Microprocessors Unleashed: A Deep Dive into Evolution, Versions, and Details

In the realm of computing, the microprocessor stands as a silent hero, orchestrating the intricate dance of digital operations within the heart of electronic devices. Here, we embark on a journey through the evolution of microprocessors, exploring different versions, and delving into the technical details that have propelled these tiny powerhouses to the forefront of modern technology.

Programming Journey: A Starting Path for Students

Computer programming is like an art, if you keep practicing, your outcome will surely improve over time. It is always exciting but sometimes can be overwhelming to look into the monitor, thinking about a problem for days and nights. But just like video games, there are always options for respawning in character and get your head over the previous bad round and start fresh. As an absolute fresh learner without any prior knowledge of programming, the first step you should take is to copy and paste “hello world” code and run it

Algorithms for beginners

Algorithms can be little tricky to sound as a beginner and seems something complicated which is not. As our seniors are always discussing complex algorithms, at first glance, it seems like sometime rocket science. But when you actually start learning, learning itself can be considered as an algorithmic process. Because you are learning steps by steps, which is the definition of algorithm.